MICAP is the go-to place when advising on tax-advantaged investments.

Founded in 2013, MICAP provides quality independent due diligence, research tools and panel support services on the tax-advantaged investment market. All of MICAP’s research is provided via its user-friendly platform specifically designed for financial advisers considering EIS, SEIS, SITR, VCT & BR investments.

Based in London, MICAP is part of the Indagate Group. The Indagate Group was formed in 2015 and wholly owns MICAP, Intelligent Partnership and in:review.

in:review reviews and monitors non tax-advantaged alternative investments across a broad range of investment structures such as OEICs, unlisted bonds, EPUTs, private equity and limited (liability) partnerships. in:review’s clients include some of the UK’s biggest member-directed pension operators and platforms.

Intelligent Partnership provides advisers with the content, education, tools and support they need to evidence whole of market understanding, broaden their investment propositions and help their clients make informed decisions about how to manage their finances and invest for the future.