What some of our users have to say about MICAP:


“For many years we had struggled to provide the level of reporting we felt our clients deserved after recommending that they invest capital in tax efficient arrangements such as VCT’s EIS and BR qualifying arrangements. Since engaging with MICAP we have not only been able to bring our ongoing service and reporting for existing clients into a comparable space with the service and reporting we provide for our more mainstream investment portfolios but the Client Reporting Service has been instrumental in securing new clients too.

 The system is simple to use and the reporting is informative and engaging for clients. We would recommend this service to any firm wanting to enhance their ongoing service for investors in tax efficient investments.”

Jane Reade, Head of Financial Planning, The Private Office (www.theprivateoffice.com)


“We use MICAP’s expertise to supplement our own procedures when choosing appropriate products in the alternative investment space. Working together, we use their data analysis of all the products to form a set of minimum criteria that we expect products to meet if they are to be recommended to our clients. The MICAP Fund Finder then makes it easy for our advisers to access the agreed panel and all supplementary due diligence documents”

Michael Chaplin-Kelly, Group Support Manager, Fairstone (www.fairstone.co.uk)


“MICAP offers our members a robust research solution when advising on tax-advantaged investments.”

Phil Carroll, Proposition Director – Wealth, Quilter Financial Planning (www.quilterfinancialplanning.co.uk)


“Having recently subscribed to MICAP, we have found that their comprehensive research, in-depth analysis reports, user friendly tools and continual updates on information to be first-rate. By using the MICAP platform it has significantly advanced on our processes and efficiency in this area of advice for the benefit of our clients. The MICAP platform would be recommended to anyone involved with alternative investments.”

Ross Cameron APFS, HFS Milbourne (www.hfsmilbourne.co.uk)


“I have just started using the MICAP Fund Finder and I have already come across a couple of substantial cases that will benefit from the portfolio building tools it incorporates. As a step forward in the depth and quality of advice to clients in these markets it is unparalleled.”

Graeme Bone, Director, Beaufort Financial (www.beaufortfinancial.co.uk)


“MICAP is an important part of the selection process for the alternative investment market. Without reference to MICAP an adviser may have gaps in their analysis which may lead to a poor decision for their client and leave them open to unwelcome scrutiny by the regulator.”

Gianni Campopiano, Principal, Foundation Financial Planning (www.foundationfp.com)


“We have found MICAP intuitive to use and the platform has been very useful in refining our selection process of tax efficient products. We aim to apply the same rigorous selection criteria to tax efficient products as we do for more mainstream investments and the system has made this possible.”

Steve Pine CFP, Partner, Aspire Partnership (www.aspirepartnership.co.uk)


“Having reviewed the various research aids for financial advisory businesses, I find the MICAP tool inhabits the sweet spot between functionality, ease of use, quality information and resource – and we would not be without it as part of our research process for alternative investments.”

David Bashforth FPFS, Chartered Financial Planner, Belmayne IFA (www.belmayne-ifa.com)


“Not only does the fund filter help to reduce the field down to a manageable size, but the scores help to create a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of each fund which summarise a vast quantity of detail. Using this tool has helped save hours of research.”

Stephen Yarr, McClelland Yarr (www.mcclellandyarr.co.uk)